4th Assignment English of Tourism
SUMAIROH 1SA01 18613692
A. Opening
B. Tourism in General
C. Tourism Impact Of
Indonesian Economy
2.Tourism in Indonesia
D. The Excess of Tourism in Indonesia
E. The Weakness of Tourism in Indonesia
F. Conclusion
G. Sources
1A. Opening
Thanks God I have to finish this paper. And I’ll say
thankyou very much to Allah SWT, My Parents, My Lecturer of English Tourism and
the sources that I have quoted.
1B. Tourism in General
Tourism is a journey made for
recreation or vacation , as well as preparations are made for this activity . A
tourist or a tourist is someone who travels at least as far as 80 km ( 50
miles) from his home with recreational purposes , is the definition by the
World Tourism Organization .A more complete definition , tourism is a service industry . They handle services
ranging from transportation , hospitality services , shelter , food , beverages
, and other relevant services such as banks , insurance , security , etc. . And
also offers a resting place , culture , escape , adventure , and new
experiences and different other .Many countries , depend much on the tourism
industry as a source of tax and revenue for companies that sell services to
tourists . Therefore, the development of the tourism industry is one of the
strategies employed by non-governmental organizations to promote a specific
region as a tourist area to increase trade through the sale of goods and
services to non - local people.According to Law No. . 10/2009 concerning
tourism , tourism is a wide range of tourist activities are supported by a wide
range of facilities and services provided by the public , employers ,
government and local government.What is a holiday ? in fact until now there is
no clarity or kesepakantan of the experts on tourism.
1 . Generally Etomoogi
The word is derived from
the word stingray tourism which means " a lot " or " around
" , while tourist means " go " .
2 . Dictionary of
In Dictionary of Indonesia
stated that tourism is an activity associated with leisure travel .
3 . According to the
• According to Law
No.10/2009 on tourism , which is defined as tourism is a wide range of tourist
activities and is supported by a wide range of facilities and services provided
by communities, businesses , governments , and local governments .
• Koen Meyers (2009 ) ,
tourism is an activity undertaken by semntara journey time from their original
places to the destination area with a reason not to settle or make a living but
merely to satisfy curiosity , to spend free time or holidays as well as other
purposes .
• Suwantoro (1997 ) ,
tourism is a temporary departure process of one or more heading someplace else
outside his home for a reason and not to engage in activities that generate
money .
• James J. Spillane ,
tourism is an activity to travel in order to gain pleasure , find satisfaction
, mengetaui dsesuatu , improve health , enjoying sports or rest , perform tasks
, and pilgrimage .
• Soekadijo (1996 ) ,
tourism is gejalayang complexes in society , in which there are hotels ,
attractions , souvenirs , tour guides , tourist transport , travel agents ,
restaurants, and many others .
• Drs . EAChalik , tourism
is a journey that is done repeatedly or run around.
• Prof . Kurt Morgenroth ,
tourism in the narrow sense , is the traffic of people who leave their own
place for a while, to cruise elsewhere , merely as consumers of the consumers
of the fruits of the economy and culture in order to meet the needs or desires
of life and culture diverse personality.
• Prof . Hans . Buchli ,
tourism is any temporary transitional place of a person or persons , with a
view to obtaining diperuntuhkan for tourism services by institutions that are
used for a particular purpose .
• Prof . One Wahab ,
tourism is a human activity conscious that gets service alternately among the
people within a country itself ( in foreign countries ) , covering the standing
of people in other areas ( certain areas ) , a country or continent for a time
in seeking satisfaction of diverse and different from what they experienced in
which he obtained a job .
• Prof . Krapt K. ( 1942 )
, tourism is a whole rather than the symptoms caused by travel and the standing
of foreigners as well as the provision of temporary shelter , the standing as
long as it does not settle down and earn revenue from the temporary process .
• E. Guyer Freuler ,
tourism is a phenomenon in the modern sense of the present era , based on the
need for health and air turnover , valuation -conscious and foster a love that
is caused by the interaction of various nations and classes of society .
• Schularard Herman V. (
1910) , tourism is the number of activities , especially those kaiannya with
the entry , there is the standing and movement of strangers in and out of the
city , county or state .
• Yoeti (1996 ) , Yoeti
provide restrictions on the deployment of the following words
o Tourism
trips ; in English can be
equated with the word " travel "
o Travelers
People who travel ; in
English baghasa be called the " traveler"
o The Traveler
People who travel ; in
English baghasa be called " travelers" ( plural )
o Tourism
Trips taken from one place
to another and in English bahaa called "tourist "
o The Tourer
People who travel and
language inggir tour called " tourists" ( plural )
o of Tourism
Solved matters relating to
tourism and in English deisebut " tourism"
Of all the definitions ,
there is one thing that really stood out from restrictions on tourism are
proposed :
a. The trip was made for
the time
b . The trip was done from
one place to another
c . The trip was to be
associated with recreational pertamasyaan
d . People who travel for
a living is not in the places he visited and solely as a consumer in the venue.
According to Robert
McIntosh along the Oka A.Yoeti Shaskinant Gupta (1992:8) is a combination of
symptoms and relationships arising from the interaction of tourists, business,
government and the host communities in the process of pulling host and serve
the tourists and other visitors.
According to Richard
Sihite in Marpaung and Bahar ( 2000:46-47 ) describes the following definition
of tourism : Tourism is a journey that is done for a while, which was held from
one place to another leaving the original position , with a plan and with the
intention of not to strive or make a living in the places visited , but simply
to enjoy recreational activities and pertamsyaan to meet the diverse desires.
According H.Kodhyat (
1983:4 ) is as follows : Tourism is traveling from one place to another ,
temporary, done individually or in groups , as an attempt to find a balance or
harmony and happiness to the environment in the social, cultural , natural and
science .
One Wahab ( 1975:55 )
suggests the definition of tourism , namely : tourism industry is one of the
new types capable of accelerating economic growth and job creation , increase
in income , living standards and stimulate other productive sectors .
Furthermore , as a complex sector , tourism industries also realize classics such
as handicraft and souvenir industry , lodging and transportation .
In the opinion of James J.
Spillane ( 1982:20 ) argues that tourism is an activity to travel with the aim
of getting pleasure , find satisfaction , knowing something , improve health ,
enjoying sports or rest , perform tasks , pilgrimages and others.
Devinisi that put forward
by A.J. Burkart and S. Medical (1987 )
Tourism is the temporary
movement of people to and within a short time period for purposes outside the
place where they usually hlidup and work and their activities during the stay
at the destination places .
Devinisi proposed by Prof.
. One of the Oka Yoeti Wahab ( 1994 , 116 . ) Tourism is a human activity
conscious that gets service alternately among the people in a State 's own /
outside the country , covering the standing of people from other areas to seek
temporary satisfaction of diverse and different from what happened , where he
obtained a permanent job .
In the opinion of
Anonymous (1986 ) Tourism is an activity of a person's residence to visit other
places with a difference at the time of the visit and motivational visits .
According to the opinion
expressed by Yoeti , ( 1991:103 ) . Tourism is derived from two words , namely
Pari and Tourism . Rays can be interpreted as the many , many times , circling
or complete . While travel can be interpreted as a trip or traveling which in
this case is synonymous with the word "travel " in English . On that
basis , the word "Tourism " can be interpreted as a journey made many
times , or whirling from one place to another , which in English is called the
" Tour " .
RG opinion . Soekadijo (
1997:8 ) , Tourism activities in the community are all associated with tourists
Suyitno (2001 ) on Tourism
as follows : Temporary, that in the short term tour players will return to its
original place .Involve some travel components , such as transportation ,
accommodation , restaurants , attractions , souvenirs and others.
1C. Tourism Economic
Impact Of Indonesian Economy
Indonesia Tourism Economic
Impact Of Economy of Indonesia according to Minister of Tourism and Creative
Economy Mari Elka Pangestu mother has said, that the growth of tourism in
Indonesia is always above Indonesian economic growth and may even exceed the
world tourism growth this decade. In 2011 the acquisition of foreign exchange
from tourism figures are expected to reach 8.5 billion U.S. dollars, rose to
11.8 percent over the previous year.Indonesian Tourism Economic Growth,the
increase is already exceeded economic growth Indonesiakeseluruhan can be
projected at 6.5 percent and economic growth of world tourism is simply the
range of 4.5 percent. For its contribution to national income, economic sector
is tourism now ranks 5th after the oil and gas industry, palm oil, and coal, as
well as processed rubber.
2D. The Excess of
Tourism in Indonesia
There are many benefits
and advantages in tourism if well planned and directed. The benefits and
advantages can be seen and felt in terms of both economic (welfare), social,
cultural, political (national and state), and the environment.
Economic Benefits
The increasing flow of
tourists to an area or region, demanding types of services and facilities are
increasing both in number and variety. This member economic benefits for
residents, businesses, and local governments; such as:Admissions Open: The
influx of foreign tourists will bring foreign exchange, which means it will
strengthen the balance of payments and trade. Foreign exchange income from
tourism sourced from:
Money spent or spent by
foreign tourists during which concerned a visit, in the form of expenses for
lodging (accommodation), eat and drink, local transport and tours, souvenirs,
tips, and others.
Fees received by the
airline where travelers who visit included as tourism receipts.
Investment in tourism.
The cost of tourism
promotion of other countries.
Trying opportunity:
Opportunity trying to be open wide, good effort to meet the needs of travelers
directly or indirectly. Direct business field such as business accommodation,
restaurants and restaurants, travel agencies, souvenir shops, craft studios and
art, tour guides, shopping centers, and so forth. Indirect business field such
as agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, industry and crafts, sports
industry, apparel industry and other business fields related to human needs.
The opening of Employment:
The breadth of opportunity in the business, will mean better job opportunities
in various jobs that directly meet the needs of business travelers as well as
those not directly. The tourism sector is labor-intensive sectors, because the
activities are more services that require human labor. Indirect jobs such as
farmers, vegetable farmers, craftsmen, artists, retailers, and others who
absorb a lot of labor.
Increased Public and Government
Revenue: Tourists who come to visit will spend most of his money to use during
the journey. This will increase the income of local communities, such as the
cost of lodging, local transportation, food and drink, souvenirs and purchase
of services, and other goods. Besides, the local government will earn revenue
in the form of taxes from the company and from the money spent by foreign
Encouraging Local
Development: The development of tourism in the area will encourage local
governments and communities prepare for and build the necessary infrastructure
and facilities such as the construction and repair of roads, installation of
water, electrical installation, revamping objects and tourist attraction,
environmental improvement, social conditioning, institutional arrangement and
settings, and so forth. In addition it will also encourage investors to invest
in the construction of objects and tourist attraction, business accommodation
facilities, business travel agency services, restaurants and eating houses and
Culture and Social
Construction and
development of tourism will have a positive impact on the socio-cultural field,
such as:
Preservation Culture And
Customs travelers One goal in traveling is to enjoy, admire and learn the
culture and customs as well as the history of a nation. Therefore, arts and
culture and the way of life that is unique and distinctive needs to be
maintained and developed.
Improving Intelligence
Community Society visited will learn a lot of tourists visiting, as well as
many who come to visit will learn from his visit in a way to see, hear, and
feel everything that is encountered during the journey. Thus, the development
of tourism is one way to gain knowledge and experience.
Improving Health And
Freshness Many people are affected by pain, both physical and mental, such as
stress and strain due to fatigue, burnout and boredom due to travel, and
everyday stresses. One remedy to rejuvenate the body and spirit is to travel,
such as leisure, sports tourism, pilgrimage, enjoying the scenery and fresh air
in the open, and a visit to the family or acquaintances.
Reducing Social Conflicts
often occur between mutually suspicious of a population with other populations,
due to lack of know each other, both in terms of customs, cultural history,
habits and differences in social level. Traveled through exchange visits can
reduce or eliminate mutual suspicion and jealousy, because of the communication
and getting to know each other.
In national and state
benefits (Politics)
Visit each other and know
each population is key to strengthen the unity and integrity.
With more familiar with
the richness and beauty of the country, through tourist visits will foster a
sense of belonging, a desire to preserve and maintain the state which in turn
grows the love of the homeland.
Maintaining international
relations in terms of international tourism development, mutual visits occur
between nations as tourists, as well as tourism in the country, will be too
direct contacts that will foster mutual understanding of differences, and will
foster inspiration to always hold approach and mutual respect .
Benefits for the
Development and promotion
of tourism when directed and planned well, will be able to assist in
maintaining the environment. Tourism in general trying to introduce things that
are original and unique, everything is neat, clean and fun travelers. Because
these things are desirable tourist. In tourism, the objects that become the
object of the visit will be maintained well, therefore the targeted visitors
are the objects. Directed the development of tourism in order to meet the
desires of tourists, such as live quiet, clean, away from pollution, relaxed,
can restore the physical and mental health. Thus the development of tourism is
one way in an effort to preserve the environment, in addition to added value
for the utilization of the existing environment. (Source: Conscious Travel
2E. The Weakness of
Tourism in Indonesia
Lack of human
consciousness led to the weakening of tourism on the environment, starting from
the lack of keeping the environment clean, do not appreciate their own culture
and the arts sometimes it makes the country one of the factors weakening the
3F. Conclusion
Tourism is the biggest
asset for a country. hence the necessity of human consciousness on tourism need
to be considered. ranging from the smallest things like keeping the
environment, preserving nature and culture of the country itself. hence the
need for awareness of each person to always preserve the whole things related
to tourism in Indonesia.
3G. Sources
Today in the world life of every individual is busy with their own works no one is having time to spend free with the family members even. when coming to the vacations every one is thinking to book a vacation home where there is everything is arranged readymade. so it time free and risk less by booking a vacation hall which is with good looking and convenient to celebrate
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